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东风本田新款CR-V上海车展上市 推6款车

Dongfeng Honda new CR-V Shanghai auto show 6 cars

2015-04-16 03:12:16来源: 爱卡汽车网

日前我们获悉,东风本田新款CR-V将在即将开幕的上海车展正式上市。据之前曝光的配置消息,新车将推出2.0L、2.4L两个排量共计6款车型,除了设计和配置上一些小的变化外,最大的看点是用CVT变速箱取代了现款的5AT变速箱,并且采用了地球梦科技发动机。 东风本田新款CR-V谍照 本田新...

we learned recently, Dongfeng Honda new CR-V will be officially listed in the forthcoming opening of the Shanghai auto show. According to the configuration information before the exposure, the new car will be launched 2.0L, 2.4L displacement of the two total of 6 models, in addition to some small changes in design and configuration, the biggest surprise is the use of CVT 5AT transmission gearbox to replace the cash, and the earth dreams technology engine. The new CR-V - Honda new Dongfeng Honda...