新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京媒:国安噩梦还没结束 若再输上港扎帅必下课

京媒:国安噩梦还没结束 若再输上港扎帅必下课

Beijing media: the national security nightmare is not over if you lose on the Hong Kong Bar will be the end of the class

2016-05-14 00:27:38来源: 网易

网易体育5月13日报道: 5月13日晚,BTV《体育议起来》再度与观众见面。在本期节目中,主持人与节目嘉宾再度对当下国安的话题进行了讨论。 嘉宾胡建平(资料图) 在本周结束的足协杯淘汰赛中,国安战胜新疆,扎切罗尼的帅位危机稍稍得到缓解。对于扎切罗尼目前的帅位危机,北京体育广播名嘴梁...

NetEase sports May 13th report: the evening of May 13th, BTV "sports meeting" to meet with the audience again. In the current program, the host and program guests once again on the topic of the current national security is discussed. Guests Hu Jianping (data plan) at the end of the week of the Football Association Cup knockout Guoan win over Xinjiang, Zaccheroni's coach of the crisis slightly eased. The current coach Zaccheroni crisis, Beijing sports broadcaster beam...