新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016橘洲音乐节火爆开唱 张信哲李宇春倾情演出

2016橘洲音乐节火爆开唱 张信哲李宇春倾情演出

2016 Orange Island Music Festival concert Jeff Chang Li popular portrait show

2016-05-21 23:04:14来源: 中国新闻网

中新网长沙5月21日电 (王曾蓁)5月21日,为期两天的2016橘洲音乐节在长沙洋湖湿地公园火爆开唱。张信哲、李宇春领衔好妹妹等知名乐队倾情演出,为长沙的乐迷献上一场华丽的视听盛宴。 作为首日演...

BEIJING, Changsha May 21 (by Wang Zeng Zhen) May 21, 2016 a two-day Orange Island Music Festival Changsha Ocean Lake Wetland popular concert. Jeff Chang, Li led the good sister and other well-known portrait of the band performances, Changsha fans offer a sumptuous visual feast. As the first day of play ...