新关注 > 信息聚合 > 狂降800元!国行三星S6/S6 Edge价格大跳水

狂降800元!国行三星S6/S6 Edge价格大跳水

Crazy down 800 yuan! In Samsung price of S6/S6 edge high diving

2015-07-31 18:41:38来源: 天极网

今天(31日)早间有消息称,由于手机部门业绩较去年同期大幅下降,三星正在酝酿降价计划以提振销量,降价对象直指新旗舰Galaxy S6和Galaxy S6 Edge。话音刚落,国行Galaxy S6/S6 Edge已经正式降价,降幅高达800元。 目前,京东商城页面信息显示,Galax...

today (31 days) morning there are news that due to the mobile phone sector performance dropped over the same period last year, Samsung is brewing plans to cut prices to boost sales, price targets are directed at the new flagship Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge. Voice just fell, the state line S6/S6 Edge Galaxy has officially cut prices, a decline of up to 800 yuan. Currently, Jingdong Mall page information display, Galax...

标签: 三星