新关注 > 信息聚合 > 成都:免检车辆满6年 每年仍需检验1次(图)

成都:免检车辆满6年 每年仍需检验1次(图)

Chengdu: exempt vehicles over 6 years, every year still need to test 1 times (Figure)

2015-08-03 07:59:58来源: 中国广播网

机动车检验合格标志。 华西都市报讯(记者 杨雪)8月1日起,成都市公安局交通管理局将加大对逾期未检验机动车、未申领和未放置机动车检验合格标志违法行为管控力度。 未按期参加安全技术检验仍上路行...

vehicle inspection marks. West China Metropolis Daily News (reporter Yang Xue) August 1st, Chengdu City Public Security Bureau will increase the Traffic Management Bureau of the overdue inspection of motor vehicles, not to apply for and did not place the vehicle inspection marks illegal behavior control efforts. Not scheduled to participate in the security technology inspection is still on the road...