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库卡隆火车王参战 炉石传说奴隶战月末上传说

King library caron train to war BFS legend legend slaves at the end of war

2016-01-31 16:21:08来源: 4399

从炉石传说内测玩到现在第一次上传说比有点小激动。排名不算理想,但是还是来分享一波! 3级2星开始使用这套卡组,17胜3负2个半小时冲上传说。 简单介绍一下思路,比较传统的奴隶战有带恐怖海盗,董大...

From stone legend closed furnace play to now for the first time on the legend is smaller than a little excited. Ranking is not ideal, but still to share a wave! Level 3 2 star began to use the sleeve group, 17-3 two and a half hours on the legend. A brief introduction of train of thought, more traditional slaves fight pirates with terror, dong big...

标签: 炉石传说