新关注 > 信息聚合 > 热播剧换角隐秘内幕 白百何王珞丹“交恶”

热播剧换角隐秘内幕 白百何王珞丹“交恶”

The hit series in angle hidden inside Bai Baihe Wang Luodan "split"

2014-08-23 05:33:45来源: 光明网

环球娱乐网每部电视剧和电影中,总有一些角色经过无数次的选角最终确定。今天小编就为各位盘点下,那些最初的原定角色演员和最终角色确定的演员,你更喜欢谁? 《还珠格格》小燕子原定:李婷宜 郑家榆 最终:...

Baidu entertainment network each TV shows and movies, there are always some role after numerous auditions final. Today Xiaobian for you under the inventory, the actor was scheduled for initial and final role to determine the role of the actor, who do you like more? The original "Huanzhugege" swallow: Miki Lee Caro:...