新关注 > 信息聚合 > 北京二手房交易金额预计超3600亿 90后购房人群快..

北京二手房交易金额预计超3600亿 90后购房人群快..

Beijing second-hand housing transaction amount is expected to exceed 360 billion after the purchase of 90 people faster ..

2015-05-18 03:55:40来源: 东方财富网


"Beijing 15 years by the brokerage firm's second-hand housing market turnover has reached 80 percent, trading volume and transaction amount is expected to more than 360 billion yuan." A few days ago, which I love my family "issued by Beijing second-hand housing market fifteen years Development Report" , since 2009, Beijing second-hand housing transaction volume over the first new houses started ...