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男子术后两年发现右肾消失 医院称属自然萎缩

The man two years after the surgery found that the right kidney disappear hospital says is a natural shrinking

2015-02-04 07:56:46来源: 青岛网络电视台

南都首席记者占才强实习生王伟凯 看到这几天关注度很高的“河南农妇医院看病莫名丢肾”的新闻,万润平特意打印了一份,他说,和我的事很像。这个湖北安陆的54岁木匠,两年前去医院做检查突然发现,自己的右...

Nandu chief reporter Intern Wang Weikai saw strong accounted for only these few days of the high degree of attention "Henan woman hospital inexplicably lost kidney" news, Wan Runping specially printed a, he said, and my business is like. The Hubei Anlu 54 year old carpenter, two years to go to the hospital check suddenly discovered, own right...