新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL妹子杯颜值爆棚 1男VS10女的大上海

LOL妹子杯颜值爆棚 1男VS10女的大上海

LOL Yan sister cup value bursting with 1 men VS10 women's Shanghai

2015-12-05 17:38:23来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】英雄联盟?错,应该叫妹子联盟。2015年12月5日,由IT168倾情主办、雷神冠名、易迅赞助、熊猫TV独家直播的首届《LOL妹子杯城市循环赛》上海站在明基电竞馆(上海交大闵行校区...

[IT168] information League? Wrong, it should be called sister alliance. On December 5, 2015, by the IT168 portrait, organized by the Thor title, Yi Xun sponsorship, panda TV exclusive broadcast of the first "lol sister cup recycling the city competition," the Shanghai station in BenQ gaming hall (Minhang campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

标签: LOL