新关注 > 信息聚合 > 醒醒吧,人类离理想中的未来世界还远得很


Wake up, the human is very far from ideal in the future also

2016-05-11 14:20:07来源: Tech2IPO

虽然我们已经普及了智能手机、可穿戴设备,甚至电动汽车,但是我们还是离科幻世界很远。为什么?因为汽车还没飞,机器人还没成为主宰,我们还活着。 虚拟现实技术、增强现实技术的火爆,智能手机的普及,种种迹...

Although we have popularized the smart phones, wearable devices, even electric car, but we are still far away from science fiction world. Why is that? Didn't fly because car, didn't dominate robots, we are still alive. Virtual reality technology, augmented reality, and the popularity of smart phones, a variety of trace...