新关注 > 信息聚合 > 滑雪胜地河北崇礼:欧式风情显“国际范儿”


Ski resort in Hebei Chongli: European style show the range of children

2015-03-21 15:24:59来源: 中国新闻网

中新社张家口3月21日电 题:滑雪胜地河北崇礼:欧式风情显“国际范儿” 作者 谭地 刘洋 在前不久举行的全国两会上,谈及申冬奥,张家口市长侯亮说,“书记、省长要求张家口以后的工作要放到国际的台面上、向国际对标。” 事实上,在这个中国北方滑雪胜地,“国际范儿”已经不是一种潮流。...

China News Network China News Agency, Zhangjiakou March 21 (Xinhua): ski resort in Hebei Chongli: European style show "international fan children" author Tan to Liu Yang in before recently held two sessions, about Shen Winter Olympics, the mayor of Zhangjiakou, Hou Liang said, secretary, governor of the requirements of the Zhangjiakou after work to put the international board, to the international benchmarking. In fact, in the North ski resort in China, the international norm is not a trend. ...