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刘晓彤顶替朱婷女排磨合收效 世界杯3-0轻取古巴

Liu Xiaotong replace Zhu Ting women's volleyball team run in with the world cup 3-0 win over Cuba

2015-08-30 19:15:21来源: 新浪

中国女排庆祝 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月30日,2015年女排世界杯第6轮继续进行。面对仅赢一场的古巴队,中国女排在短暂适应后拦网收效较好,直落三局完胜对手收获三连胜,三局比分为25-19、25-...

Chinese women's volleyball team celebrate of sina sports dispatch Beijing time on August 30, 2015 women's Volleyball World Cup sixth round to continue. Facing the only win a Cuban team, Chinese women's volleyball team to adapt to transient block yielded better straight three innings win over rivals harvest three in a row, three innings score to 25-19, 25...