新关注 > 信息聚合 > 东瀛西川智之回归 昆仑决周口站又见机车党拳王

东瀛西川智之回归 昆仑决周口站又见机车党拳王

Japan Nishikawa Chino regression Kunlun in Zhoukou station and locomotive party champion Netease

2015-09-02 16:28:46来源: 网易

本次赛事上,已经先后数次亮相昆仑决擂台的日本泰拳王者“机车党拳王”西川智之将再度赴华参战,这一次,这名素来以狂野激进、凶很顽强著称的泰拳狂人,将在自己最擅长的搏击领域再度证明自我。 2015年9月...

the tournament, already has several debut Kunlun decision arena Japan Muay Thai King "locomotive party champion Nishikawa Chino will once again went to China war, this time, this has always been a wild radical, fierce very tenacious known Muay Thai madman, in the field of his best fighting again to prove themselves. September 2015...