新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林志玲赵薇章子怡张馨予 女星酒后失态照曝光

林志玲赵薇章子怡张馨予 女星酒后失态照曝光

Lin Chiling Zhao Wei Zhang Ziyi Zhang Xinyu actress getting drunk as exposure

2014-12-20 22:44:54来源: 新华报业网

赵薇电影《致青春》办同学会,当场豪饮。 原标题:林志玲赵薇章子怡张馨予女星酒后失态照曝光 稿源:中国广播网

Zhao Wei film "Youth" do students will, on the spot the booze. The original title: Lin Chiling Zhao Wei Zhang Ziyi Zhang Xinyu actress getting drunk as exposure draft source: Chinese broadcasting network