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Volunteer: don't let AIDS erosion life of all

2015-09-28 08:09:22来源: 中国青年报

不愿具名的“志愿者木木”是红石榴小组的志愿者。小组成立于2012年,不过,“木木”早在2010年就开始做艾滋病志愿了。据她的不完全统计,红石榴小组已经帮助过几百位艾滋病感染者。 中国青年报:志愿者是怎样帮助艾滋病感染者和患者的? 志愿者木木:我们小组平时主要是在他们有了感染的风险...

do not want to be named "volunteer wood is red pomegranate group of volunteers. The group was founded in 2012, however, "wood wood" as early as 2010 began to do aids. According to her incomplete statistics, the red pomegranate group has helped hundreds of people infected with hiv. China Youth Daily: how to help HIV infected patients and patients? Volunteer wood: our group usually has the risk of infection...