新关注 > 信息聚合 > 报志愿惨痛案例:612分遭退档 604却被录取

报志愿惨痛案例:612分遭退档 604却被录取

Voluntary reporting painful case: 612 points being reverse gears 604 was admitted

2015-06-08 13:36:39来源: 新浪

新浪高考[微博]志愿通,专业的人做专业的事! 高考612分也可能没学上?高出一本5分怎么择校?性格内向的孩子适合学啥专业?为什么二本和一本差别并不大?专业的问题请专家帮你搞定。志愿填报不当=高考...

Sina college entrance examination [microblogging] volunteer pass, professional people to do professional things! The college entrance exam 612 points also probably didn't learn? How high a 5 points to school choice? What is the professional personality of the child for learning? Why two and a difference is not big? Professional questions, please help you get expert. Voluntary reporting improper = entrance...