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徐峥游艇逛青岛 下一部或拍《印囧》

Xu Zheng yacht around Qingdao next or take the Indian embarrassing "

2015-10-03 21:50:58来源: 青岛网络电视台

他曾经是一名演员,《春光灿烂猪八戒》是他的成名作。 他喜欢幽默出演,《疯狂的石头》、《爱情呼叫转移》让观众捧腹不止。 他渴望挑战,从演员转型导演,一部《泰囧》叫好又叫座,12.67亿宣布转型成功...

he used to be an actor," brilliant spring pig Zhu Ba Jie "is made him famous. He likes playing humor, "Crazy Stone", "call for love" let the audience with laughter. He is eager to challenge, the transformation from the actor director, a "Thai" embarrassed the hugely popular, 1267000000 announced a successful transition...