新关注 > 信息聚合 > 喷泉水中含虫卵?孩子沾上要生病?太过危言耸听!


The fountain of water containing the egg? Is the child getting sick? Too alarmist! Channel

2015-06-10 07:38:06来源: 杭州网

网传这个时节喷泉口下的通道多老鼠和蟑螂,孩子喷泉边嬉戏容易得传染病 记者求证:喷泉的通道中,始终都有流动的水,蟑螂和老鼠根本不能生存 不过,喷泉水一般来说确实不够干净,孩子还是少接触为妙 ...

network transmission season the fountain of many mice and cockroaches, children a fountain playing easy infectious disease reporters confirmation: fountain of the channel, there is always the flow of water, cockroaches and rats could not live at all however, fountain water in general do not clean, children or less exposure to is wonderful...