新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新陕足全球海选主帅 瑞超西甲劲旅主帅进入候选

新陕足全球海选主帅 瑞超西甲劲旅主帅进入候选

New shan global audition manager Super la liga giants manager into the candidate

2014-12-14 20:25:19来源: 网易

新陕足所要选择的主帅,不仅要执教能力强,有辉煌的带队历史,另外还要有良好的口碑。“新帅要善于沟通与交流,能够与球员之间形成默契,能够团结全队,这样的团队才会更有战斗力。”一位新陕足内部人士说。 网...

New shan to choose coach, not only to coaching ability is strong, has a glorious history, does it also has a good reputation. "New coach must be good at communication and exchanges, and work with the players formed between the tacit understanding, can unite the team, the team will be more effective." A new shan fa insiders said. Net...