新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国功勋国脚宣布退役 世界杯曾攻破布冯球门

韩国功勋国脚宣布退役 世界杯曾攻破布冯球门

South Korea announced his retirement exploits international World Cup ever attack Buffon goal

2015-03-04 20:55:59来源: 网易

北京时间3月4日,据韩国媒体报道,韩国名将薛琦铉正式宣布退役,他是早期韩国留洋球员的杰出代表之一。 网易体育3月4日报道: 北京时间3月4日,据韩国媒体报道,韩国名将薛琦铉正式宣布退役。薛琦铉曾...

March 4th Beijing time, according to South Korean media reports, South Korea's Xue Qixuan formally announced his retirement, he was one of the outstanding representative of the early Korean studying abroad player. NetEase sports in March 4th reported: March 4th Beijing time, according to South Korean media reports, South Korea's Xue Qixuan formally announced his retirement. Xue Qixuan had...