新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江女排主帅:若决赛再碰久光制药 有信心再赢球

浙江女排主帅:若决赛再碰久光制药 有信心再赢球

Zhejiang women's Volleyball Coach: if the final touch long light pharmaceutical have confidence to win Sina

2015-09-14 11:20:51来源: 新浪

浙江嘉善农商银行女排主教练吴胜 (图左二) 新浪体育讯 北京时间9月14日消息,2015年亚洲女排[微博]俱乐部锦标赛小组赛的一场强强对话,代表中国出战的浙江嘉善农商银行女排鏖战五局以3-2力挫...

Jiashan, Zhejiang rural commercial bank women's volleyball coach Wu Shenghe (2nd left) of sina sports news Beijing time on September 14, 2015 Asian women's volleyball team [microblogging] Club Championship Group stage of a field strength strong dialogue, play on behalf of the Chinese Zhejiang Jiashan rural commercial bank, the women's volleyball team battle five innings 3-2 trounced.