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姚明向孩子推荐两名著 自曝爱看《平凡的世界》

Yao Ming to the child recommended two classics exposes love to see the "ordinary world" Netease

2015-05-16 11:12:11来源: 网易

姚明近日向孩子们推荐《上下五千年》和《鲁滨逊漂流记》,这两本书都是姚明小时候常看的。姚明还自曝,因为看电视剧《平凡的世界》觉得不错,于是找来原著来看…… 姚明在少年时代曾受哪些书本的影响启发?“我向孩子们推荐《上下五千年》和《鲁滨逊漂流记》,这两本书都是我小时候常看的,而且翻了很多遍…...

Yao Ming recently kids to recommend the next five thousand years "and" Robinson Crusoe ". Both of the books are Yao Ming childhood often see. Yao Ming also admit, because watch TV drama "ordinary world" feel good, so to find the original point of view...... What books did Yao Ming have in the teen age inspired by the influence of books? "I told the children it is recommended that the next five thousand years" and "Robinson Crusoe", both of the books are when I was young, I often watch, and translated a lot of times... ...