新关注 > 信息聚合 > 千元内无敌手 努比亚Z5S再度来袭699元

千元内无敌手 努比亚Z5S再度来袭699元

Thousand dollars in invincible hand Nubian Z5s struck again 699 yuan

2015-06-26 01:10:09来源: IT168

【IT168 什么值得买】努比亚去年经典的旗舰机Z5S从当初的1999元暴跌至现在的699元。他凭借5寸1080P的视网膜级别屏幕、2GB RAM+16GB ROM、1300W像素主摄像头等豪华硬件...

[IT168 anything worth buying] Nubian classic last year's flagship Z5s from at the beginning of 1999 yuan plummeted to 699 yuan now. He relies on 5 inch 1080P retina level screen, RAM+16GB ROM 2GB, 1300W pixel camera and other luxury hardware...