新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微博互动助跑男刷新收视率纪录 39小时完成20万公..

微博互动助跑男刷新收视率纪录 39小时完成20万公..

The interactive approach micro-blog male refresh ratings record 39 hours to complete the 200000 public..

2015-04-20 18:53:02来源: 大众网


4 nine ten on the evening of 17 August, "run it brother" (hereinafter referred to as the "running man") the new launch in the second quarter. In the first quarter on the basis of this season, running man and micro-blog teamed up to launch a more interactive way. CCTV Sofres data show that the first phase of the second quarter, running man CSM50 City ratings. 4...