新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访张稀哲:狼堡半年助我成长 今后不会选择留洋

专访张稀哲:狼堡半年助我成长 今后不会选择留洋

Interview with Zhang Xizhe: Wolf fort in the first half of the year to help me future growth will not choose to study abroad Netease

2015-07-16 03:28:27来源: 网易


7 April 15, the Bundesliga club VFL Wolfsburg officially announced -- Zhang Xizhe transfer to Beijing Guoan, backtrack after landing Bundesliga for half a year. Although Wolfsburg are not very willing to let Zhang Xizhe to leave, but after taking into account the individual players in the feeling and a strong will, Wolfers club at the last minute or release. 15...