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卡塔尔赛-阿扎击败大威 时隔1年重回巡回赛决赛

Qatar match - Azar beating Dawei after 1 years to return to the tour final

2015-02-28 07:06:21来源: 华体网

赛后,贝克汉姆与阿扎合影 北京时间2月28日,总奖金额为73.1万美元的WTA顶级巡回赛卡塔尔赛结束女单半决赛的争夺。两届赛会冠军阿扎伦卡先输一盘后用2-6,6-2,6-4的比分逆转战胜美国名将大威廉姆斯。赢得这场前世界第一之争的阿扎结束自己对大威的4连败,时隔一年多后终于重返巡回赛决...

after the game, Beckham and Azad Beijing photo time in February 28th, the total prize money of $731000 WTA top tour of Qatar match end women's singles semi-finals. The two time champion Aza Lenka lost the first disk with 2-6, 6-2, 6-4 score beat reversal America Star Venus williams. Win the first battle between former world the end of Venus their 4 game losing streak, but after more than a year after finally return to the tour will...