新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联通中国与东盟泰老缅打造新十字走廊


Unicom between China and ASEAN countries Thailand, Laos and Myanmar to build new cross corridor

2015-08-05 21:32:40来源: 大河网

“大力发展泰老缅经贸的良机已经华丽丽地展现在我们面前,”泰国中北部民营企业联盟常设委员会主席黄伟健信心满满地说到。 本月16日,“泰老缅经济走廊国际会议”将在泰国程逸府召开。黄伟健认为,这个崭新...

"vigorously develop opportunities in Thailand, Laos and Myanmar economic and trade has a magnificent show in front of us, Thailand in the north central part of the private enterprise union chairman of the Standing Committee of the Wei Jian Huang confidence chock full of said. 16 days of this month, the International Conference on the Thai economic corridor, the Thai economy corridor will be held in Thailand. Huang Weijian believes that this new...