新关注 > 信息聚合 > 揭游戏主播乐趣与无奈:月入过万 女友分手

揭游戏主播乐趣与无奈:月入过万 女友分手

Exposing game anchor fun and helplessness: a monthly income of over a million girlfriend broke up

2015-07-19 04:20:57来源: 中国青年网

“游戏主播”算得上是个新兴职业,他们中的佼佼者动动嘴,就年入几百万。 这是一个跟年轻人有关的职业,从业的都是年轻人,捧场的年纪也都不大。他们跟电子竞技的运动员一起,颠覆了人们对于电子游戏的印象。...

"anchor of the game" is a new career, their leader dodo mouth, into the millions. This is a young man with occupation, employees are young people, to join the age is not. Together with the players in the electronic games, they have the impression that they are playing video games. ...

标签: 游戏 主播