新关注 > 信息聚合 > 6.2测试服地狱火9号BOSS:祖霍拉克视频


The 6.2 test infernals No. 9 BOSS: Zuhuolake

2015-05-07 11:05:29来源: 多玩游戏

本周又为大家带来6.2地狱火堡垒的测试视频,9号BOSS暗影与邪能的化身祖霍拉克,本次测试依旧是大家熟悉的Method亲自演示,一起看一下吧。 BOSS介绍和技能 他是暗影与邪能的化身。 ...

again this week for the test video bring you 6.2 Hellfire Citadel, the shadow and the evil incarnation of No. 9 BOSS Zuhuolake, this test is still the familiar Method personally demonstrate, with a look at it. BOSS introduction and skills he is the incarnation of shadow and evil energy. ...

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