新关注 > 信息聚合 > 野烧烤躲猫猫取缔3次仍烤 带煤气罐摆摊(图)

野烧烤躲猫猫取缔3次仍烤 带煤气罐摆摊(图)

Wild barbecue hide and seek to ban three times is baked with a gas tank stall (Figure)

2015-05-24 09:27:17来源: 青岛网络电视台


weather warming, the wild barbecue again placed in the street, smoke and noise pollution to the surrounding environment, food safety also can not be guaranteed. Recently, the city's urban management and law enforcement departments have carried out the illegal barbecue stalls to carry out the action. The day before yesterday night to yesterday morning, the city south city of Law Enforcement Bureau of the central branch of the 5 law enforcement squadron joint police...