新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曾恺玹曝甜蜜婚纱照!老公7字求婚零成本


Alice Tzeng exposed sweet wedding! Husband 7 word proposal zero cost

2014-09-27 18:56:21来源: 新浪

曾恺玹曝甜蜜婚纱照 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,曾恺玹[微博]和老公陈冠宇甜蜜婚纱照曝光!虽然两人婚后生活相当幸福,但低调的老公在27日补请这天仍没现身,被问当初求婚过程浪不浪漫?曾恺玹笑着说:...

Alice Tzeng exposed sweet wedding the Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, Alice Tzeng [Chen Guanyu] and micro-blog husband sweet wedding photo exposure! Although two people married life is happy, but low-key husband in 27 days, please fill the day still did not appear in the original proposal, asked the process of wave is not romantic? Alice Tzeng said with a smile:...