新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洋码头布局移动社区:切信息不对称痛点


Ocean Terminal Layout of the mobile community: information asymmetry pain

2015-09-29 18:01:50来源: 亿邦动力网

【亿邦动力网讯】9月29日消息,亿邦动力网最新获悉,今天,海外购物平台洋码头宣布将开始涉足“移动社区”业务,而新版本的洋码头APP界面也已出现“社区”入口。 洋码头APP截图 洋码头方面表示,社...

[billion state power network news] September 29 news, was informed of the latest billion state power network. Today, overseas shopping platform ocean pier announced will begin sortie "mobile business" of the community, and the new version of the ocean terminal app interface has also appeared "community" entrance. Foreign terminal APP screenshot foreign terminal, said the agency...