新关注 > 信息聚合 > 古力:希望三星杯成转折点 金志锡:卫冕可期

古力:希望三星杯成转折点 金志锡:卫冕可期

Coulee that Samsung Cup into a turning point Jin Zhixi: period

2015-09-07 21:42:22来源: 新浪

古力唐韦星接受采访 新浪体育讯 9月7日晚,2015三星车险杯世界围棋大师赛抽签仪式在北京珠三角jw万豪酒店进行。抽签仪式结束后,参赛选手古力、唐韦星、李昌镐和金志锡分别受邀接受采访。 李昌...

coulee Tang Wei star to accept interview of sina sports news in the evening of July 9, 2015 Samsung Auto Insurance Cup World Chinese chess Masters Tournament draw ceremony in Beijing, the Pearl River Delta JW Marriott Hotel for defending. After the draw ceremony, the players Gu Li, Tang Weixing, Li Changgao and Jin Zhixi were invited to interview. Li chang...

标签: 三星