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The child window, education the mirror

2015-04-07 03:28:46来源: 人民网

一段小女孩向爸爸哭诉“你有能耐你喜欢我啊”的视频在网上广泛传播,视频中女孩因为爸爸抱了亲属家的小男孩而生气,一把鼻涕一把泪地数落爸爸的不是,让一些人开怀大笑,又让另一些人忧心忡忡。 让人惊讶的不是小女孩的年龄之小,行为有多无厘头,而是她用的语言有多成人化。小女孩很可爱,但她的表现只能...

for a period of the little girl to my father cried "you have the ability you love me" video, widely circulated on the Internet, video girl is angry because his father carrying the relatives of the little boy, and his nose was running a tear to reprove the father is not, let some people laugh, and let other people worried. Not surprisingly little girl at the age of small, behavior is nonsense, but her language has many adult. The little girl is very cute, but her performance can only be...