新关注 > 信息聚合 > 最萌宠物卡牌手游《口袋妖怪移动版》火热内测


The cutest pet card Mobile Games "Pokemon" hot online mobile version of

2015-01-09 00:13:58来源: 4399

最萌宠物卡牌对战手游《口袋妖怪移动版》今日内测开启,《口袋妖怪移动版》集宠物养成、宠物手机、策略等多种玩法于一体,超多创新玩法等你来体验,赶快邀请好友一起打造你的一流宠物队伍吧! 养成新玩法 成就...

card to the war Mobile Games cutest pet "Pokemon" mobile version online open today, "Pokemon" mobile version in pet nurturance, pets, mobile phone strategy and other games are played in one super multi innovation play, wait for you to experience, please invite friends together to create first-class team of your pet! Develop new ways to achieve...

标签: 手游