新关注 > 信息聚合 > 拳皇97OL装备升级方法 装备合成详解

拳皇97OL装备升级方法 装备合成详解

KOF 97OL equipment upgrade equipment quality equipment synthesis detailed

2015-08-19 19:16:24来源: 4399

拳皇97OL中的装备品质分为多种等级,基础属性随着品质的提高而提高,想要提高战力,装备品质的提升尤为重要,现在和小编一起来看看拳皇97OL装备合成。 装备系统全新升级,所有升级材料一目了然,想要获得更高属性的道具,只要按照提示收集所需要的材料即可。穿戴合成后的装备,你会发现战力会有大幅...

KOF 97OL for several classes of, basic attribute will increase with the improvement of the quality of, want to improve combat capability, to enhance the quality of the equipment is very important, now and small series together see KOF 97OL equipped with synthetic. A new upgrade of the equipment system, all upgrade materials at a glance, you want to get a higher property of the props, as long as the material can be collected according to the tips. After the synthesis of wearable equipment, you'll find out there will be a war...