新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强化“9+1”模式 香港与内地半导体合作升级

强化“9+1”模式 香港与内地半导体合作升级

Strengthen the "9+1" mode of Hongkong and the mainland semiconductor cooperation upgrade

2014-12-09 02:25:32来源: 新浪网

本报记者 施建 深圳报道 “香港科技创新具有国际化的优势。”国家科技部副部长曹健林近日在出席由香港科技园公司举办的“亚太创新峰会”时表示,香港有很多优势,而香港和内地加起来,会有更大的优势,“我...

reporter Shi Jian reported in Shenzhen "Hongkong science and technology innovation has the advantages of international." Vice Minister of Ministry of national science and technology Cao Jianlin recently attended by Hongkong science and technology parks, organized the "Asia Pacific Innovation Summit" said, Hongkong has a lot of advantages, and the Hongkong and mainland together, there will be a greater advantage, "i...