新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2020年杭州要成为 “创业者的天堂”

2020年杭州要成为 “创业者的天堂”

2020, Hangzhou will become "the paradise of the entrepreneurs"

2015-11-18 07:33:30来源: 杭州网

支持高校建立 “创业业绩与学分挂钩”新机制 很多已经迈进毕业学年的大学生,却还在懵懵懂懂,不知道自己“想做什么”、“适合做什么”。市就业管理服务局从2013年起推出“师友计划”,先后聘任375位...

support college to establish new mechanism of entrepreneurial performance linked to credit "many have entered Graduate School of the college students, but still muddle, do not know you want to do", "what to do". Municipal Bureau of employment service from 2013 launched "mentorship program", has engaged 375...