新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京城助阵申冬奥 千人水枪大战美女无惧湿身(图)

京城助阵申冬奥 千人水枪大战美女无惧湿身(图)

Beijing Hui Shen winter thousands of gun battle beauty without fear of wet (map) on 25

2015-07-27 13:02:25来源: 体坛网

7月25日,距2022年冬奥会举办城市产生还有6 天之际,北京众青年男女欢聚一堂,成功地在郎园Vintage举办了第一届“来个TEE水枪大战”,旨在为2022年冬奥会落户北京和张家口而助威助阵,也为...

7. From the 2022 winter will host city as well as on the occasion of 6 days, Beijing all the young men and women gathered successfully at Lang Park Vintage held the first "to a tee gun battle", aimed at for the 2022 Winter Olympics will be settled in Beijing and Zhangjiakou and cheer cheer for...