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高端4G RAM 三星 GALAXY Note5售3700元

High-end 4 g RAM samsung GALAXY Note5 RMB 3700

2016-06-03 01:14:42来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline广州站行情】三星GALAXY Note5不仅外形靓丽,而且内功深厚,配备一枚三星Exynos八核64位处理器,主频高达2.1GHz,与之匹配的是4GB运行内存,GPU则是ARM的Mali-T760 MP8,是旗舰手机领域中的明星产品。现有商家报价3700元,喜欢的朋友不...

【 PConline guangzhou station quote 】 the samsung GALAXY Note5 shape not only beautiful, but also the internal deep, equipped with a samsung Exynos eight 64 - bit processors, dominant frequency up to 2.1 GHz, matching is 4 gb of memory, the GPU is the ARM Mali - T760 MP8, is the flagship star products in the field of mobile phones. Existing businesses offer 3700 yuan, friends don't like...

标签: 三星