新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软斯巴达浏览器手机版设计还未定稿


Microsoft Sparta mobile browser version of the design is not finalized

2015-04-06 06:36:32来源: 中关村在线

日前,微软相关开发部门在Twitter上接受了访问,针对Windows 10的手机版和桌面版,以及全新的斯巴达浏览器和IE11等相关问题进行了解答,还透露Win10斯巴达浏览器手机版本的设计还没有最...

recently, Microsoft development department on twitter accepted the visit, for windows 10 mobile and desktop version, and new Sparta browser and ie11 and other related questions were answered, also revealed Win10 Sparta mobile browser version of the design is not the most...

标签: 微软