新关注 > 信息聚合 > "致癌黑鱼"所涉商家超市重点抽检 被列入榜单

"致癌黑鱼"所涉商家超市重点抽检 被列入榜单

"Snakehead" carcinogenic involved in the focus of supermarket businesses sampling was included in the list

2015-10-24 10:04:59来源: 半岛网

齐鲁晚报济南10月23日讯(记者 李钢 王皇) 针对近来大超市频频出现食品安全问题,23日省食药监局对外公布了2016年省级重点监督抽检食品流通单位,大润发、家乐福、沃尔玛等大型超市被列入“榜单”。...

Qilu Evening News Jinan on October 23 hearing (reporter Li Gang Wang Huang) in view of the recent big supermarket frequent food safety issues, 23 provincial food and Drug Administration Bureau announced the 2016 provincial focus on supervision and inspection of food circulation unit pulling, RT mart, Carrefour, Wal Mart and other large supermarket was included in the "list". ...