新关注 > 信息聚合 > 郑东新区要建“金融城” 6家设计单位竞标各亮高招

郑东新区要建“金融城” 6家设计单位竞标各亮高招

Zhengdong New District to build "city" six units bid yesterday of the bright merit

2015-06-20 05:22:17来源: 大河网

河南商报记者 宋晓珊 昨天,郑州市召开城市建设管理新闻通气会,其间发布了多个规划。 其中,有关郑东新区“金融城”的设计方案首次发布,全球6家顶级设计单位亮出了各自的高招。 郑东新区咋定位...

Henan Business Daily reporter song Xiaoshan, Zhengzhou city held the management of urban construction news ventilation, meanwhile released multiple planning. Among them, Zhengdong New District of the city of design scheme was first released, the top six global design unit flashed their merit. Zheng Dong New Area Zha positioning...