新关注 > 信息聚合 > 火灾过后电梯停摆 楼上居民怨声载道

火灾过后电梯停摆 楼上居民怨声载道

After the fire elevator shut down upstairs residents complained

2015-04-27 22:13:19来源: 青岛网络电视台

23号,生活在线说了发达商厦19楼发生大火,造成一人死亡的悲剧,全楼目前处于半瘫痪状态,到今天四天过去了,善后还没有大的进展,楼上居民怨声载道。 上午,记者再次来到了起火的发达商厦,看到依然有很...

23 number, online life said the developed commercial building, 19th floor, fire, resulting in one death of tragedy, the whole building is currently in a state of semi paralysis, to today, four days later, rehabilitation is not progress, the upstairs residents complained. Morning, reporters once again came to the fire developed commercial buildings, see there is still...