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跪了!拜仁点球4罚全失 拉姆阿隆滑到诺伊尔中框

Kneel! Bayern kick 4 penalty missed all ram Aron slide Neuer box

2015-04-29 06:43:58来源: 网易

在点球大战中德国球队意志力的代表拜仁慕尼黑居然连续罚丢了4个点球,球队鬼使神差的输给了多特蒙德。 网易体育4月29日报道: 一场点球大战踢丢一个点球很正常、踢丢两个点球也很常见、踢丢三个点球也不...

in the penalty shootout in the German team will represent Bayern Munich actually continuous penalty lost four penalty, team unconcioursly lost to Borussia Dortmund. Netease sports on April 29 reports: in a penalty shootout kick lost a penalty is normal, kick throw two penalties are also common, kick throw three penalties is not...