新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卧室色彩中的风水学问 如何调理幸福婚姻?

卧室色彩中的风水学问 如何调理幸福婚姻?

Bedroom color of the feng shui knowledge how to regulate the well-being of marriage?

2015-10-04 09:30:15来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 夫妻和睦是家庭美满的保证,在卧室装修过程中,在装修之前,可以根据风水对卧室的影响来分析一下。床是静息之所,强光会使人心境不宁,因此夫妻卧室光线不宜太强,最好用柔和的白炽灯来照明,而尽量少用...

[Abstract] couples harmony is the guarantee of a happy family, in the bedroom decoration process, in the decoration before can according to Feng Shui bedroom effect analysis. Bed is resting place, the light will make people feel restless, so the couple bedroom light is not too strong, preferably with a soft incandescent lighting, and try to use less...