新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张掖摄影家作品入选国际摄影大赛


Zhangye photography works selected for the international photography contest

2015-06-03 10:20:51来源: 中国甘肃网

中国甘肃网6月3日讯 据鑫报报道(记者 朱希彬)5月31日,2015年第50届美国俄克拉荷马国际摄影大赛公布成绩,张掖摄影家成林创作的作品《雾里看人》入选新闻组自由主题(PJD/OPEN),这是他的...

network of Gansu Province in China, June 3 hearing, according to a report in the Xin (reporter Zhu Xibin) on May 31, 2015 the 50th United States Oklahoma Homer International Photography Contest publication of the results, Zhangye photographer forest creation works are the "fog watched" selected newsgroup theme of freedom (PJD/OPEN). This is his.