新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想10:HD重制版》登陆PC!包含新功能


"Final Fantasy 10: HD heavy plate" landing PC! It includes new features

2016-05-12 05:50:15来源: 新浪

SE旗下人气系列作品《最终幻想10:HD重制版》先是在SteamDB可搜,随后又增加了Steam Sub备案记录,种种迹象表明本作将筹划登陆PC。 如今好消息已经从STEAM平台传来,《最终幻想10:HD重制版》正式宣告登陆PC,并且发售日就定在5月13日,动作迅速。 根据页面情...

SE's popular series of works "Final Fantasy 10: HD heavy plate," first in SteamDB can search and subsequently increased Steam Sub filing records, there are indications that this will be planned landing PC. Today, the good news has been coming from the STEAM platform, "Final Fantasy 10: HD heavy plate," the official declared landing PC, and scheduled release date on May 13, and prompt action. According to page love ...

标签: PC 最终幻想