新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国外调查称2015年全球电子竞技收入将超15亿


Survey of foreign said 2015 global E-sports income will exceed 15 billion

2015-06-11 12:34:30来源: 新浪

游戏市场研究公司Newzoo近日针对16个国家电竞玩家消费力进行调查,在全球拥有1.13亿位电子竞技爱好者的基础下,今年全球电子竞技收入预估将超过 2.5 亿美金(约15亿RMB)。 根据New...

the game the market research firm, newzoo recently for the 16 countries player gaming spending power are investigated in the world with a 1.13 billion bits of E-sports enthusiasts based this year global eSports income estimates will be more than $2.5 billion (about 15 billion RMB). According to New...

标签: 电子竞技